Seeking Treatment for an Oral Infection Keeps Your Mouth and Body Safe

When it comes to oral surgery for oral- and tooth-related issues, you might need to be treated for impacted, infected or abscessed teeth. You might need a root canal treatment or one or more tooth extractions to get rid of the infection. When an infection is present, you’ll often experience pain and inflammation that can’t (and shouldn’t) be ignored.    The... read more »

What Kind of Post-Operative Pain Control Management Can You Expect After Oral or Maxillofacial Surgery?

As oral surgeons, we routinely perform a variety of surgical procedures such as bone grafting, dental implants, apicoectomies, jaw surgery, soft tissue grafting, and, of course, tooth extractions, including wisdom tooth removal. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts at restoring your mouth and face after a trauma, injury, or other complication. After oral or maxillofacial surgery, you will likely... read more »

Treating Gingivitis Is Crucial for Keeping Teeth and Gums Healthy and Strong

Gingivitis is an oral condition caused by plaque buildup. This sticky, bacterial film coats the teeth and gums, leading to cavities and gum disease. Once this harmful bacterial film lingers in your mouth, toxins are released by the bacterial activity that irritates your gums. You’ll likely notice that they look red, are inflamed to the point of puffiness and tend... read more »